(。・∀・)ノ゙ Hey there! Yeah! 🫡 Welcome aboard! 🎉

1️⃣If you're not yet familiar with blockchain, bitcoin, and IC, no worries. I'm here to give you the lowdown on the history of crypto!

2️⃣If you've heard of IC but haven't gotten the full scoop yet, you've come to the right place to learn more.

3️⃣Wanna hear Dominic's story? He's right here!

Crypto's Past
Starting Web3 from Scratch
Get the Facts Fast
IC's Web3 Dispatched
The Tale Behind
Dominic's Adventure Ride
  2015      2018       2021       Now           10 Years
—〦———〦———〦———〦—————〦———→ ∞ 💥 Blockchain Singularity

Sometimes, I'm really awestruck to be living in such a miraculous era. Just a few years ago, we were mocking Bitcoin, and now decentralized finance, Ethereum and crypto have become deeply embedded. And in this rapidly evolving new world, a bunch of new technologies are adding color to our lives in their own unique ways: The Internet Computer, a next-gen general purpose blockchain compute platform.

Originating from Dominic's ideas in 2015: a horizontally scalable decentralized World Computer. The embryo was completed in 2018. After years of deep optimization of the underlying protocols, it launched in 2021. After years of development, it aims to become a decentralized cloud services platform, The underlying infrastructure has been developed into a decentralized cloud, while the upper-layer applications achieve decentralization through DAO-controlled permissions to accomplish the goal of decentralization. deploying various dapps 100% on-chain without the need for other centralized services.

The structure of the Constellation Book:

  • The first half is vivid and interesting, and the second half is concise

  • The first half talks about IC principles, and the second half discusses development in practice

Quick IC Overview in Videos

Why do I Write this book

Early on, after learning about IC, I collected and arranged materials from the IC Whitepaper, Medium, ICPL forums, and IC Developer Forums. After talking to a friend about the IC architecture, I told her I was making notes on the IC resources and would share them when they were ready. I didn't expect that it would take a year. After experiencing the long years of procrastination, and with what I learned later, I finally put together the first version of the notes. After a period of further study, I thought it would be better to share these notes. Making it an open-source book helps everyone learn about IC and contributes to the IC developer community.

Learn blockchain with zero thresholds and level the learning field for IC.👨‍💻👩‍💻

Why open source?

I really like the Rust open-source community. There are many open-source books and high-quality projects in the Rust community, which have helped me a lot. I have learned a lot from the Rust open-source community. Projects like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and their related projects also have a strong open-source atmosphere, and I hope that more and more open-source projects will emerge in the IC community for everyone to learn from each other.

In addition, the IC content is updated and iterated quickly. With open-source references, everyone can contribute, keeping the content fresh and up-to-date.

Join the developer discussion group for this book, correct errors, make modifications, suggest improvements, and contribute to the open-source book together!

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